Farrier clients – giving them the freedom of choice

There's plenty of advice around about how farriers should look after their clients (the owners that is). Many of the core service business principles apply (or at least, should apply) to farriers and their businesses. After all, farriery is just another service industry albeit with some difference. I guess most farriers could read some books …

Another reason why hot shoeing is better

There's regular discussion about the pros and cons of hot shoeing over cold. One of the things I enjoyed about hot shoeing was the smell. After a busy day shoeing, my clothes had that distinctive pong, particularly if I'd been working in a stable or in a closed environment. Less airflow really helped the odour …

Hoof hoovering hound

Horse and Hound have an article online about dogs hoovering up hoof and the dangers it poses Your dog may love the hoof parings discarded when your horse is shod — but vets are warning that large chunks could be potentially fatal. Owners are warned to clean up quickly after the farrier visits — before their dog does. Fourteen-year-old Mutley had …